Brisimis, E.1, Bebetsos, E.2, Krommidas, Ch.1
1Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Thessaly, Trikala.
2School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini.
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The necessity and purpose of this research was to investigate the potential influence of the age group on: (1) cohesion, (2) aggression, and (3) athletic satisfaction. The subjects were 615 athletes (291 men and 324 women), aged 18-36 years (M= 21.2, SD= 4.8), who participated in soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball and water polo eithin the provinces of Thrace, Attica, and Central Greece. To assess group cohesion, (a) the “Group Environment Questionnaire” was used, athletes’ satisfaction was assessed with (b) the “Athletes Satisfaction Scale”, and finally, to assess anger and aggression, (c) the “Anger and Aggression Scale” was used. The statistical analysis included descriptive analyzes, and one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that the factors of all three questionnaires showed good internal consistency, and therefore are reliable evaluation instruments. One-way analysis of variance (One Way Anovas) found statistically significant effects of “age” on: personal attraction, social relationships, anger, aggression, and leadership. In conclusion, the results confirmed that team cohesion, athlete satisfaction, anger and aggression are multi-dimensional concepts and are indeed influenced by the age of the athletes.
Keywords: Team sports; individual attraction; social relationships; anger and aggression climate; leadership.
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