Argiropoulou, E.C.*, Michalopoulou, M., Douda, H., Agelousis, N.
Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini, 69100, Greece
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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between performance in physical fitness tests and Body Mass Index in high school students in Greece. Participants in this study were 472 high school students, 219 boys aged 13.14±0.84 years and 253 girls aged 13.06±0.90 years. Performance in physical fitness components was assessed with Fitnessgram Test Battery. The body mass index (BMI) cut-off points adopted by the International Obesity Task Force were utilized for the assessment of overweight and obesity. According to the results of this study statistically significant effects were reported for both boys and girls between BMI categories for push-ups (only boys), curl ups (only girls) and aerobic capacity (VO2max), where higher percentages of overweight and obese participants were in the under healthy fitness zone (UHFZ). Age affected several of the physical fitness parameters and statistically significant BMI effects were reported with overweight and obese participants achieving lower scores in the assessment tests. In conclusion BMI status in Greek high school students both boys and girls, seems to be negatively related to lower fitness levels.
Keywords: Adolescent; Obesity; Aerobic capacity; Muscular strength and endurance; Flexibility.
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