Dimitropoulou, D.1*, Evaggelinou, C.1, Kourtesis, T.2, Ellinoudis, T.1
1School of Physical Education & Sport Sciences – Serres, Laboratory of
Adaptive Physical Education, 62110 Agios Ioannis, Serres, Greece
2Department of Physical Education & Sport Science, School of Physical Education & Sport Science, Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini 69100, Greece
*Contact Corresponding Author: 
Movement difficulties which impact motor activities of daily living as well as school activities, like handwriting are a basic/main characteristic in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD). Therefore, the timely and reliable assessment of movement difficulties, which takes place through standardized motor tests as well as checklists, is considered vital by the academic community. The purpose of this review was to identify and describe the available checklists for educators which evaluate daily living activities in children with DCD and to compare their suitability for use in school settings. A review of the available articles on the DCD questionnaires was based on Scopus, Medline, PubMed και PsychoINFO databases. Only the checklists that are addressed to educators were retained. Four checklists were found: the Motor Observation Questionnaire (MOQ-T), the Children Activity Scales for Teachers (ChAS-T), the Teacher Estimation of Activity Form (TEAF) and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children-2 Checklist (MABCC-2). The questionnaires differed in their contents and psychometric properties. In conclusion, it seemed that even thought checklists are promising tools for the assessment of children’s daily life motor activities, their suitability has yet to be investigated. For that reason it is recommended that the assessment of DCD children in daily living activities should be conducted by using more than one checklist.
Keywords: Checklists; Identification; Validity; Reliability; Developmental Coordination Disorder.
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